Bhindawas Wildlife & Bird Sanctuary
Bhindawas Wildlife Sanctuary and the nearby Bhindawas Bird Sanctuary are located in Jhajjar district, which is about 15 km from Jhajjar town.
This 411.55 hectares sanctuary is located on the Jhajjar-Kasani road and 105 km from Delhi. Bhindawas Wildlife Sanctuary is only 1.5 km from Khaparwas Wildlife Sanctuary.
Forests Department, Haryana of Government of Haryana officially notified this 411.55 hectares area as Wildlife Sanctuary on 5 July 1986.
For complete details about the sanctuary, exact location, kind of animals, birds & reptiles you get to see there, best season to visit, how to book a wildlife package for this sanctuary, how to reach there, which saafri gate to take, also recent sighting details for all popular sanctuaries & tiger reserves, and LOT MORE, download our app – WildTrails India – available both on Android and iOS
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