Jasrota Wildlife Sanctuary - WildTrails | The One-Stop Destination for all your Wildlife Holidays
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Jasrota Wildlife Sanctuary

The Jasrota Wildlife Sanctuary in the state of Jammu and Kashmir is situated right on the banks of river Ujh, northwards of village Jasrota. Occupying an area of 10 sq.km, the park supports a mixed variety of birds as well as animal life. Cheetal or axis deer is the most remarkable among them and is common throughout the park and are found in large concentrations. The entire area mainly sustains bamboo plantations.

The Jasrota Wildlife Sanctuary is rich in flora which is dominated by bamboo plantations. The main species found are Dalbergia Sissoo, Acacia Catechu A.Arabica, Lannea Grandis etc. Major shrub associates are Carisa spinarum, Lantana camara and Dodonea Visacosa.

The sanctuary is the natural habitat for a wide variety of mammals. Notable amongst them are cheetal, Barking deer, wild boar and rhesus monkey.

Among the avifauna found in the sanctuary include a rich variety of pheasants and other resident and migratory birds. The important species are peafowl, red jungle fowl, jungle bush quail, green pigeon and blue rock pigeon.

The best season for bird viewing is March to May and mammal viewing is September to March. While in the sanctuary, it is advisable to have trekking shoes, raincoat, and light clothing during spring and summer. In winter trekking shoes, heavy woolens, waterproof windcheaters should be kept.


For complete details about the sanctuary, exact location, kind of animals, birds & reptiles you get to see there, best season to visit, how to book a wildlife package for this sanctuary, how to reach there, which saafri gate to take, also recent sighting details for all popular sanctuaries & tiger reserves, and LOT MORE, download our app – WildTrails India – available both on Android and iOS

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