Mandagadde Bird Sanctuary
Mandagadde Bird Sanctuary is located at a distance of 30 km from Shimoga on the way to Theerthahalli from Shimoga. Though Mandagadde Bird sanctuary is not considered one of the biggest of the bird sanctuaries of Karnataka, it is a habitat for a variety of birds. Mandagadde bird sanctuary is one of the few bird sanctuaries in the Malnad region which is spread about 1.14 acres and surrounded by dense forest. This picnic spot houses some of the spectacular migratory birds. A small island is formed by the flowing river Tunga, and the dense of trees on the island provide shelter for immigrating birds. The birds like Median Egret, Little Cormonant, darter or snake-bird etc., comes from different parts of the world during May for breeding. The breeding cycle will be completed by October and the migrated birds return home with their young ones.
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