Palkot Wildlife Sanctuary - WildTrails | The One-Stop Destination for all your Wildlife Holidays
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Palkot Wildlife Sanctuary

The palkot wildlife sanctuary falls within the district of Gumla and Simdega and lies between 22045’N and 230 N longitude and 840 30’E to 840 45’ east latitude. If fall within the Gumla, Simdega and Raidih thana the National high way no 23 crosses and divides the sanctuary between two parts. The major part of the sanctuary fall on its western side. The area of the sanctuary covers the revenue thanas of Palkot, Simdega and Raidih.

Constitution and Extent

Palkot sanctuary given status bf sanctuary in the year 1990 . The total area of the sanctuary is 18283 ha. out of which 1226.45 ha. is RF and 17056.55 Ha. is PF. There are 89 villages inside the sanctuary out of which 79 have forest land that even scattered in patches and the density of forest is also very poor Total geographical area within the boundary of the sanctuary is about 760 sqkm out of which forest area is only 182.83sqkm.

Flora and Fauna of Palkot Wildlife Sanctuary

The sanctuary comprises Dry Deciduous Forests (Dry Peninsular Sal) bearing rich flora consisting of Sal and its associates like Asan, Gamhar, Salai, Piar, Amla, Mahua, Kusum, Mango etc.

The mammal fauna consists mainly of Leopard, Sloth Bear, Jackal, Monkey, Porcupine, Hare etc. Frequently seen birds here are Jungle Fowl, Patridges, Koel, Parakeet, Owl and Pheasants.

Statement of significance:

It is located in Deccan Peninsula Biogeography zone, in the Chhotanagpur plateau province (6D). Some of the most endangered species like Sloth Bear, Rattle, Python, Pangolin, Black necked crane are represented in the area. It also protects the rivers, streams against siltation by minimizing soil erosion.

Significance at international level:

Various wildlife species have been included in Red Data Book of the I.U.C.N. (International union for conservation of nature resources) and the appendices of C.I.T.E.S. (Convention on International trade in Endangered species of flora and fauna.)

Approach and Access

The palkot sanctuary is situated at 25 kms from Gumla and is on Ranchi-Gumla-Simdega-Rourkela road(NH-23). The nearest town with Rail and Airport head is Ranchi which is about 120 kms. The other town with Rail and Airport head is Rourkela (Orrisa) at about 140 kms from Palkot. A regular bus service is available between Ranchi-Gumla-Palkot and Rourkela-Gumla. One more railway station, Bano, is 50 km from the sanctuary area.

Area: Total area of the sanctuary is 182.83 sqkm

How to reach : 25 km away from Gumla and 92 km south west of Ranchi. Nearest rail head is Bano Railway station.

When to visit : October to March


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