Sainj Wildlife Sanctuary
Sainj Wildlife Sanctuary is next to Maraur and is located in Himachal Pradesh, India. Sainj Wildlife Sanctuary has a length of 56.69 kilometres.
Previously part of the Great Himalayan National Park (GHNP), now bifurcated into a new wildlife park. In 1994 the notification of intent to constitute the Sainj Wildlife Sanctuary was filed which was followed by a notification to include the upper Parvati catchment.
For complete details about the sanctuary, exact location, kind of animals, birds & reptiles you get to see there, best season to visit, how to book a wildlife package for this sanctuary, how to reach there, which saafri gate to take, also recent sighting details for all popular sanctuaries & tiger reserves, and LOT MORE, download our app – WildTrails India – available both on Android and iOS
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