Vellode Bird Sanctuary
Vellode Birds Sanctuary of Erode District of Tamil nadu, has an area of 77.185 ha. Comprising of 75.935 ha of Periyakulam Yeri and 1.250 ha of odai poramboke in SF No.503 in Vadamugam Vellode village.
Vellode Birds Sanctuary is situated in Vadamugam Vellode village, Erode District of Tamil nadu. It is located about 12 km from Erode, along Chennimalai main road. March to June are the hottest months in this area.
This area receives rainfall mainly from the Northeast monsoon between September to December, Whereas the period between February to June generally remains dry.
The Vellode Birds Sanctuary is a storage tank and as such there are no forests in this tank. The main vegetation of the sanctuary consists of Acacia nilotica plantation.The other tree species present in the sanctuary includes Azadirachta indica, Palmyra and eucalyptus plantation all along the bund and profuse growth of Prosopis juliflora.
The Vellode Birds Sanctuary is visited by large number of resident and migratory bird species. The migratory birds start arriving to the Sanctuary at the onset of the Northeast monsoon. The Sanctuary become an ideal habitat for the birds, because of the availability of abundant feed in the tank and in the neighbouring agricultural fields and plenty of trees for perching and nesting. There are abundant fishes and other aquatic organism present in the tank, which form part of food for many resident birds.
Facilities available
For the benefit of the visitors, a watch tower is constructed. A tourist canteen building was also constructed to cater the needs of the visitors. An interpretation center was also constructed for creating awareness among the visitors especially to the student visiting the sanctuary.
The vehicles of the visitors are restricted at the entry point itself so as to observe silence in sanctuary which is required for the perching birds.
The tourist can approach the staff and make use of the facilities like Binoculars.
No entry fee is colleted from the visitors
Best time to visit – November to April
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