How to plan an Inexpensive Kabini Stay n Safari

This article talks about how to plan an inexpensive Kabini stay n safari. Kabini which is 240 kms south of Bangalore is am amazing place for wildlife sightings and probably one of the complete forests in India considering that you get to see almost all species in a single forest. It is also considered the Wildlife Photographers Paradise. Probably the only sanctuary in India when you can sight and photograph all three big cats of India – Tiger, Leopard and Black panther.
Kabini Gets Expensive
But it gets very expensive to do a trip to Kabini. I almost costs Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 20,000 per person per night inclusive of all meals and 2 safaris. Yeah you read it right and I didn’t add an extra ‘0’ by mistake 🙁 I have has few people calling me and saying that they have booked resort XYZ and ABC and it’s very cheap but to later tell me that they don’t support Safari and they need to figure out and manage the Safari on their own btw which is not possible in Kabini*. Unlike the Central Indian or the North Indian counterparts, you cannot book safari and resorts separately. The Safari is integrated into the stay and only those resorts which were present there before 2005 are licensed to get Quota in the Safari. [That’s the reason why you will see some Kabini resorts offering inexpensive rates because they don’t have quote in the safari]. Anyways back to the point, yes Kabini is not for everyone and it damn expensive and is a place I have been going there since 1998.
So how to plan an Inexpensive Kabini Stay n Safari?
So the answer is never or impossible, right? You can plan an inexpensive kabini stay n safari as only a few people know this. There are ways where you get stay in a resort and get the Safari via a 26-seater in a Canter run by the forest department both in the morning and in the evening but the canter is just a 26-seater one and it runs just twice a session [session is either morning or evening] and due to the limited seating capacity, the seats get over in no time but there is a way is what I wanted to highlight. Also please note that the way tickets are sold (early morning for evening kabini safari and early evening for the next day morning safari), it is highly advisable to stay there and enjoy the safari rather than planning a day visit to the park.
Further Info:
If you need further info, please do install WildTrails India App or read the below related blogs or send us an email to [email protected] or call us any time on +918030178142 or WhatsApp us @ +919901175444
Related Useful Blogs:
“With a Smile, Touch their Hearts” – interview with Kabini’s resident manager
Holy Bagheera!! – a Passionate Pursuit of the Black Panther
JLR’s most popular & most expensive property, the Kabini River Lodges, now at affordable Prices!!
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TOP Luxury Wilderness Resorts of Kabini (Nagarhole)
Let’s go Tiger Spotting this February in Kabini Nagarhole and here is why
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What you must know about Jeep Safari in Bandipur & Nagarhole (Kabini & Coorg)?
WildTrails (Tm) India App – “Discover Indian Wildlife Like Never Before“
PS: Please be a responsible wildlife tourist; No littering, No sounds, No feeding, no getting down from the safari jeep (when on safari), No phone calls. Remember that we are visiting their home and when we are there, let’s follow their rules.
[The WildTrails India App is the best way to get all the details about Indian wildlife sanctuaries (best travel times, safari details, animal sightings, forest accommodations pairing, wildlife related activities, prices, etc). Learn more about WildTrails of India here. ios App is here. Android is here, and Web is on the way. Please do like us on our facebook page here.]
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