Kabini Suspended safaris due to increase in the covid 19/corona cases in karnataka - WildTrails | The One-Stop Destination for all your Wildlife Holidays
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Kabini Suspended safaris due to increase in the covid 19/corona cases in karnataka

Black Panther in Kabini

This article is about suspension of safaris in kabini die to the increase in the covid 19/corona cases in karnataka.

Order MYSDC / MAG1 / MLO / 71/2020 (E – 95753) Date: 08-07-2020 Abhiram G. Shankar, IA, District Collector and District Bailiff as described in the proposal, Karnataka Infectious Diseases COVID – 19 Regulations -2020 of Rule 12 And exercise powers under Article 30 (2) and 34 of the Disaster Management Act 2005, in order to restrict the arrival of all hotels, home stays, resorts, lodges and residences within the HD Fort Taluk of Mysore District in the public interest. Ordered as follows. • Date: 10-07-2020 For those who come from outside district / state / overseas for the next order, all stays in HD Fort Taluk will not be accommodated in all hotels, stays, resort, lodges, etc. Also, tourists from outside the district are not required to accept any form of booking, such as online / offline.

• Arriving at Holly and forcibly returning home-bound tourists until they have already completed their reservation. If you have not already made an advance booking for the tourist purpose, you can inform them before they arrive and cancel the booking. . These restrictions also apply to all safaris in the Dammanakatte, Bandipur and Nagarhole sanctuaries that fall within the HD Fort Taluk. This order was issued with my signature and seal on this date: 08-07-2020. stalo. (Abhiram G. Shankar) Collector and District Collector, Mysore District, Mysore.

All safaris will be suspended until the next order.

Sightings in kabini just before the lockdown:

9th July 2020 Morning sightings at kabini:


3 Leopards, ( Mother with cub sitting beside the road and other leopard walking across the road)

Apart from that elephants, gaurs, stripe necked mongoose, Malabar giant squirrel and wild boars.


White bellied woodpecker, plum headed parakeets, malabar pied hornbills, chestnut tailed starling, hill myna, crested serpent eagle, streak throated woodpecker, chestnut headed bee eater and yellow footed green pigeons.

Image courtesy :

Shaaz Jung: Ambassador for Nikon India, Dir. of Photography for a NatGeo Film, Cinematographer, Big Cat Specialist & Owner of @thebisonkabini @royalmigrationcamps shaazjung.com/prints

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