Procedure to Book Nagarhole Forest Department Lodges - WildTrails | The One-Stop Destination for all your Wildlife Holidays
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Procedure to Book Nagarhole Forest Department Lodges

Nagarhole safari

Procedure to book Nagarhole Forest Department Lodges

nagarhole hunsur

There are four rooms inside the Nagarhole forest that you can book and stay in the middle of the jungle but unfortunately there are no online reservation available for this yet. We @ WildTrails is working with the department to make that a reality but until then you have to follow this procedure:

  1. Call this number and make sure that there is availability for the rooms for the given days. Keep the date, number of people and number of rooms required, completely handy.  Here is the number +918212480901
  2. Please note that rooms are booked atleast 3 to 6 weeks ahead and you plan accordingly
  3. It costs about Rs. 1600 for two people for a night for a room
  4. Once Availability is confirmed, write a letter as below to the forest department located in Mysore seeing the booking of the room with clear contact details


To: Apccf, Project Tiger, Aranya Bhavan, Ashok Puram Mysore

Regarding: Nagarhole Govt Lodging


We want to book _____ rooms in the Nagarhole National Park govt lodging and for ——- Adults and ——— children of ages ———- for these days ——————–

Please let us know how much to pay and how to pay


your name, address and contact number


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Once they receive the letter and assuming they still have the vacancy, they will call you and tell you the next steps (which is making a DD of the prescribed amount and sending it to the same address)

BTW safari starts right from there and hence no need to worry about it.

Hope this was helpful

PS: this is not applicable for the Kabini part of the nagarhole


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PS: Please be a responsible wildlife tourist; No littering, No sounds, No feeding, no getting down from the safari jeep (when on safari), No phone calls. Remember that we are visiting their home and when we are there, let’s follow their rules.


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2 thoughts on “Procedure to Book Nagarhole Forest Department Lodges

  1. Malay Dasgupta says:

    We are planning to visit in 1st/2nd week of October 2019. We need accommodation for 2 adults. Pls let us know the details of booking procedure at the lodge and also the safaris. Thanks
    Malay Dasgupta, Calcutta
    [email protected]

  2. Anonymous says:

    Required 14 bed dormitory for 10th december

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