Kabini Safari Package | Get Your Customised Kabini Safari Package
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Kabini Safari Package

Kabini Safari Package

About Kabini:

This Article Explains About How to get Customised Kabini Safari Package based on Tiger sighting index with The Best TigerTracker associated with the particular zone and park

Kabini was once a private hunting lodge of the Maharaja of Mysore and a hunting hotspot for the British viceroys. It is now considered as one of The best Wildlife National Parks in the country. The melanistic leopard or black panther, one of the rarest species in the jungle is found to be in Kabini. Do you know that the chances of sighting a black panther is high on full moon and new moon days? Besides, there are world famous tigers, versatile leopards, the mighty elephants, the Indian bison(gaurs) pack of wild dogs, crested hawk eagle, crested serpent eagle, crested hawk eagle.

Why Kabini?

Kabini wildlife is a part of Nagarahole National Park and is the most sought place for wildlife exploration. The park is open throughout the year for the public. As mentioned earlier, the Bagheera(black panther) is the rarest sighting here at Kabini and from our unique sighting data, our forecast has been above 90% since we deployed.

 Not to forget about the tigers, leopards, elephants and many other rare species, we at WildTrails have it all. Below data shows the sighting data of multiple species over the last 12 months.

Kabini animal Sighting Index

It Is not an easy task to get into the forest to explore. Getting a permit is indeed a tough task here. You may get a chance to stay at a resort nearby but there are chances of not getting a safari. You might get the permit for safari but it might get cancelled without notice. The hard truth is that booking a safari drive in Kabini is considered the hardest.


Different Safari types At Kabini National Park:


Shared jeep safari :

An open gypsy which can accommodate up to 6 passengers. You need to go for a stay along with safari. One night stay can get you 2 safari drives.


Boat safari :

You need to book the stay to get a safari ride. One night stay can get you 2 safari drives out of which one of them will be a jeep drive.


Canter safari : 

The canter can accommodate up to 20 tourists. There would be no expert tiger tracker, instead a guide shall be assigned by the forest department. Canter safari needs to be booked offline.

Different Kinds Of Safari In Kabini


How to Book Safari for Kabini online?

You will have to book a stay and safari together from the tourism lodges. There is no option to book safari in Kabini online.

We at WildTrails undertake the complete end to end process to make sure that the trip is hassle free. At WildTrails, we list out only the trusted accommodations whose quality of services are verified on a regular basis.

There are 3 types of accommodations. The package cost varies depending on the type of accommodation among budget, mid-range and luxury.

  • Budget accommodation has all the basic-level facilities at the lodge and the prices are economical when compared to other types. It would be the best bang for your buck.
  • Mid-range accommodation has better facilities and little higher comfort-level when compared to the budget level lodges.
  • Luxury type accommodation consists of top-level facilities and amenities where the priority is given to the comfort level and top-notch quality of services.


How to book your safari in Kabini?

You can book the safari well in advance. Booking online is just 4 clicks away.

  • Head over to WildTrails Packages
  • Choose the dates and type of accommodation.
  • Select ‘Send Enquiry’.
  • An expert from WildTrails shall reach out to you once the availability of permits and accommodations are sorted.

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