Kenya's Two kinds of Ostrich - from WildTrails - The Safari Experts for Kenya & India
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Kenya’s Two kinds of Ostrich

kenyas 2 kinds of ostrich

Kenya is famous for its wildlife and is one of the top wildlife destinations in Africa and known for its Big 5 and also for its world famous “The Great Migration” of Masai Mara where millions of wildebeest cross the river Mara, come July every year.

Kenya is also home to 2 kinds (subspecies) of Ostrich out of 5 kinds which exist in the Wild. The two types are

Masai Ostrich

masai ostrich

Native to the eastern part of the African continent, the Masai ostrich is found in countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Somalia. As compared to other subspecies, this ostrich has relatively small feathers over its head. The male’s neck and thighs take on a pink color to attract females during the mating season. Also, this is a grazer. You can see this in Amboseli and Masai Mara in Kenya

Somali Ostrich

samburu special 5

A rather distinct species as compared to the other four, the Somali ostrich, is found only in eastern Africa, more or less limited to the region known as the Horn of Africa, in countries like Kenya (especially in the northern parts), Ethiopia, and Somalia. Unlike other subspecies, the females are larger than the males. These ostriches sport a white plumage, with the females having a brownish tinge to them. The other distinguishing characteristics of this ostrich are the color of their thighs and neck, which is grayish-blue, and which changes to a deep blue in the mating season. It is different in its feeding habits by preferring to browse in areas which have taller trees and dense vegetation rather than a grazer like Masai Ostrich. You get to see in Samburu in Kenya

The other types are North African Ostrich, South African Ostrich & Arabian Ostrich

This is how they look in comparison

kenyas 2 kinds of ostrich

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One thought on “Kenya’s Two kinds of Ostrich

  1. Anonymous says:

    Amazing Blog Thanks For Sharing This

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