7 Mistakes never to make on a safari holiday in Tadoba | Mistakes To Avoid During Wildlife Trip Booking
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7 Mistakes never to make on a safari holiday in Tadoba

Tadoba Andhari Tiger reserve is one of the popular national parks in the tiger capital of India, Nagpur. The reserve is spread across 625 sq. km area and has 6 gates and more than 10 zones in the safari area. It is not an easy job to plan and schedule a safari holiday in Tadoba. We at WildTrails have come across a lot of queries and feedback from the clients.

Are you a wildlife enthusiast?

Have you been on a safari drive before and ended up sighting nothing?

Are you planning for a safari holiday for the first time?

Then the blog is for you! Relying on the fortunes here can be minimised with a precise planning for the safari drive. Let us pitch in the mistakes tourists do while planning for a safari vacation- 

  1.   Picking the most famous gate with high expectations of sightings.

Tadoba Forest Reserve was established in the year 1955. Back then, the access to the forest was only through Moharli gate. No doubt, it is the most popular gate among all, till now. But it does not mean it has the best sighting. There are 5 other gates and corresponding zones at present. The sightings at these gates can be a lot better, it depends on the sighting data. A lot of websites or articles mislead you while you explore and end up disappointing. The facts and figures we have on our website are directly from the forest guides and our customers.

Check Animal Sighting Index Data Of Tadoba.

Tadoba National Park Gate


  1.   Booking accommodation first and then plan to get a safari permit.

The major reason we come across a lot of disappointed tourists. The fact that there are a lot of properties near every gate of Tadoba. The search engines do display a list of properties from top travel sites based on the comfort level you wish to have. You go ahead and book the accommodations and the next step is to book your safari. You check out for the permits and get them, however, the chances are that the gate can be way far from the accommodation being booked. This creates a hassle in your vacation since you may end up wasting time travelling from the hotel to the gate. The gates in Tadoba are 20-80 km apart. Pro tip here is – Get your safari drives confirmed and then look out for the accommodation. Smart way, connect with someone who can manage both safari and stay.

Accommodation At Tadoba

  1.   Not accommodating an expert tiger tracker

Tiger trackers know in and out of the jungle as they have made the jungle as their home. There are chances that you might even miss the sightings by seconds in their absence. They have developed the perfection of sightings over the years and know where exactly the big cats are at a particular time of the year. Having a tiger tracker and choosing the right zone can guarantee 90% of the sightings while the rest depends on the luck-factor.

Tigers of Tadoba National Park

  1.   Choosing the railway station before consulting

Chandrapur railway station is just 30 km from Moharli gate while it is over 100 km from Kolara gate. The internet is always misleading and when it comes to booking train tickets, you may create a blunder by choosing a wrong destination. There can be hassles to reach the gate if you choose the wrong station for off boarding. Get in touch with the experts before confirming your berth.

Distance Between Safari Gates Of Tadoba

Nearest Railway Station to Tadoba National park

  1.   The myth of exploring core zones alone

No doubt that the sightings are best in the core areas of the forest. These core areas were framed years ago and in course of time, the tigers and their cubs move around. To be precise, the famous tigers rule the core areas. In contrast, the luxury of sighting the tigress and cubs is in buffer areas. A tigress prefers a buffer area because it is easier to fight with 2 tigers rather than defending with 10 tigers in the core area.

Know The Difference Between Core And Buffer Zones

  1.   Over exploring the jungle for the first time

For the first time jungle visitors, it is never recommended to plan for more than 3 safari drives in the schedule. Ideally, 1-3 safari drives in a schedule of 2/3 nights is recommended. In this way, you can get a better exposure for your next safari expedition. Meanwhile, you can visit the tribals and schools in the forests, the fields nearby to make your first wildlife expedition a memorable trip.

  1.   Relying on the resorts you book to organise safari.

There are few properties who have the license to schedule safari. However, they do not guarantee them. Neither they confirm at the time when you book the safari. Hence, it is not a good idea to rely over these resorts for safari. Besides, as mentioned earlier, always book the safari first and then proceed with choosing the accommodation.


Why Book With WildTrails

At WildTrails, the accommodations and safari drives are completely reliable since we tie up only with the reliable properties. We perform regular checks on the quality services at the properties. Further, we have experts who guide you the right way before booking your trip.


6 reasons to book your safari with WildTrails?

  • Hassle free booking experience.
  • Support assistance from the experts.
  • Expert Tiger Tracker for your safari.
  • Sightings data (Exclusively from WildTrails) for effective planning of your wildlife venture.
  • We take care of your complete vacation, from transfer, accommodation, safari, meals to make it stress-free.
  • 16-hour direct chat support.

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